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The most important Cyber Security areas of focus

by | Jan 5, 2022

IT Security or Cybersecurity is the protection of your computer systems and network from damage, data theft, Virus and Mal-Ware infections as well as accidental or intentional data loss. Read about steps that can be taken to mitigate these threats and protect your network.

You can greatly increase your IT Security by reviewing the following steps that can be taken on your workstation and network devices at work or at home.


Creating a secure password is a fundamental step in initiating IT security. In creating a secure password there are a few do’s and don’ts to consider:

– The longer the password the harder is it for hackers to crack, create a password between 8-12 characters
– Avoid names, places or commonly used passwords such as 123456, or words like “password” or “qwerty” or “111111”
– Use a combination of uppercase and lower-case letters, symbols and numbers
– Avoid single work in any language, Hackers have dictionary passed systems that can crack these types of passwords
– Change your passwords regularly
– Do not click yes when asked to save your passwords on websites


Your IT Security can be circumvented by infecting your workstation. Malware and Spyware is software that can be unintendedly downloaded to your workstation that can damage or disable systems as well as steal personal user data such as credit card numbers or backing information.
To avoid these types of infections, keep a few things in mind while on the internet:

– Be selective and careful about what you download, confirm the data you are acquiring is from a legitimate source
– Do not access clickable ads
– Do not accept or access suspicious pop ups on your system especially if they are telling you to call a specific phone number for assistance or click on this file to resolve your issues
– Keep your workstation software up to date with the latest hot fixes and security patches


Phishing is basically email scams, and is one of the oldest tricks to get you to reveal personal information.

– Phishers pretend to be coming from a legitimate source such as a company or person you may know from spoofed email addresses, a spoofed email address is an address that is similar to a real company or person
– They will use logos and addresses that look close to the original
– Messages will often not personalize messages and will have spelling mistakes
– Always review messages and do not click on any links in the email. It is best just to delete these as they arrive in your inbox


Scammers are getting more and more sophisticate in their efforts to circumvent your IT Security and get your money or personal and banking information. These scams are successful because they look like the real thing and if you just skim over the message you can be hit when not expecting it.

– Always review uninvited contact from people or business whether it is via email or websites, always be aware that this could be a scam, especially if it looks to good to be true
– Do not access suspicious text, links or attachments in emails, just delete them, it is better to be safe then sorry
– Be sure to keep your personal details and banking information secure


IT Security also counts for your mobile devices. There are many threats to your mobile devices just as there are with your computer, as the popularity of tables and smartphones increases they become an enticing target of the cyber criminal.

– Set a strong password and don’t rely on the standard for-digit access code
– Be sure to enable the “Find My iPhone” or “Find My iPad” feature if you are using Apple devices
– Report your device is missing or stolen right way, many companies can remotely wipe your device so cyber criminals will not get access to sensitive data